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USB Tablet (5x3.75) 2.7.322.0

USB Tablet (5x3.75) 2.7.322.0

USB Tablet (5x3.75) Publisher's Description

USB Tablet (5x3.75): Features: 5"x3.75" ultra-thin graphics tablet with 3-button cordless & pressure-sensitive pen. Adjustable pressure sensitivity (1024 levels) offers natural response and feel like a regular pen or paintbrush. Users can easily use the cordless pen to change line width, color density and opacity by exerting different pressure upon the pen tip. Natural electronic eraser – by pressing the barrel button, use the pen tip to erase (Mac). Does everything a mouse can do and even more, works with a mouse if you like. Ultimate handwriting input device for Microsoft Office XP (Handwriting Recognition, Handwritten Form & Drawing Pad). The best painting tool for children. Writing, highlighting, sketching in Net Meeting, internet communication and internet chat. Naturally and easily draw, write, sign, trace pictures, clip arts, retouch photos, animate and design Web. The natural tool for drawing, writing and signing. Retouching or modifying photos or images taken from digital cameras or scanners. Customizable pen buttons to invoke frequently-used commands. Plug & Play, USB device.

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